'Cling'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2007.02.15 Two Stories..

Two Stories..

English 2007. 2. 15. 07:18
Ep 1. Wound


Are there any people who do not to get hurt in the world....... How many???

While playing, to get hurt,

While fighting, to get hurt,

After falling down, to get hurt,

After giving a hurt, to get hurt,

Because loving somebody, to get hurt.....

This world doesn't work...

to our desires;;;

That's why we get hurt....

Everybody lives so hard such as this....

So..... how long have you lived in your life????

How long have you lived in your life; why are you in pain by a trifling hurt???


hurt which you will get is so many in the future.....

If you're already in pain such as that.....how are you going to live in the future???

This age which has days which you will live more than lived days.

This age which has hurt which you will get more than getting hurt,

for being sad, for being frustrated now.......we are..


young.......  Everybody,,,, cheers up.......

Ep 2. Cling


I forget....

It's not that I like her because she likes me....

Because I like her, I want her to like me...

I swear, do not cling, but

I sometimes get seriously agitated.


after time passes, it'll be solved.....


if it's a bad ending.... I dont want to solve it.....

cling... also.....

I still have...it.....

Im sorry....


that I like you.....

While I was exposed to rain, and to walk, suddenly to think, only my....

another illusion not illusion..... by kaijer....

Posted by Young79