'Travel'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2007.04.03 After travel....
  2. 2007.03.18 Travel...

After travel....

English 2007. 4. 3. 08:15
Im back;;;;

Quebec -> Montreal -> Ottawa

Youth Hostels of these places were so great than I expect,

After I study of taking a picture or if I have a partner, I hope I go there in the summer time....

-0- It won't happen I think...

I just looked around the cities where had nothing...but....

I realized again from this travel that I have not enough things in my mind...

anyway, review about travel is after going back to korea.....

Flag of Quebec and Canada

< French Canada in Quebec >

Posted by Young79


English 2007. 3. 18. 11:44

It's hard to travel. How many things interrupt to let me travel. It's so hard to travel.

Money is important, so I understand my friend don't travel.

I agree with them about 100%!!! And I also hesitated to go for trip.

When I go to somewhere alone, I decide my purpose to go.

If I have no purpose, I don't try or go and look over there a little, and just come back.

Im not that kind of person who find interesting things by myself,

that's why I tried to trave with friends.

If I go alone, I can imagine what I will do easily.

Just walk and down, and spend my time without doing anything.

that's why i hesitated to go.

and suddenly, I wondered why I want to travel.

why do the people want to travel? hanging out with friends?

to hang out with friends in the pub is funnier.

to relax? there is a word what if you leave from home, it's distress, so why?

it could be distress, and i would say that it's experience instead of distress,

and it may be the reason to travel.

Ancestor said that we should have a hard time even buying for it.

Of course, money is important, but there is a human above money, not money above human.

anyway, we have only one life, we have a right to enjoy while travelling and having a hard time.

Don't give up our right, because of money.

to regret after trying is better than to regret without trying.

Let's go!!! to french canada....

Posted by Young79