15 years.. since I have been handled a computer...

and, maybe 10 years.. since I have been studied a computer more deeply....???


a computer still makes me...


whenever i handle a computer, i have new experience...

win 98 case which was installed the 98 times... or

win 2k case which was installed 2000 times....

whenever i install the window... i tremble for new things...

I put new HDD which supplies the interface which called Serial-ATA in my computer....

However, it's the first time to use it... so before I put in, I searched on the internet how to put in,

how to fix an error....and I started to work to put in...

but, i couldn't do so well...

So, i just decided to do my style...

it's just working....... -0-

anyway, i shouldn't try to take the easy way out....

so....today, i also...

was rediculed by computer...ㅜㅜ
Posted by Young79